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时间:2023-05-18 23:00:13


















3、 各班班主任:负责本班的学生疏散前的思想动员和教育,负责现场疏散的指挥,组织好本班学生安全有序的撤离危险区,最后在指定地点集合,清点本班学生人数,检查本班学生是否全部安全撤离,并上报给系部,由各系部汇总后上报安保处陆新宝处。

4、 各楼道、楼梯口、大楼门口及走道的引导教师:组织指挥学生按事先设计的线路安全有序进行撤离并检查楼面上是否有学生遗漏并撤离危险区。

5、 集中安全区的老师:组织好安全逃离的学生的集合和纪律维持工作。






Teachers and fellow students: Good morning, everyone!

In recent years, I attach great importance to the safety education per semester to be held in the safe knowledge of emergency evacuation drills and self-care self-help training. Especially "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, we are very seriously. Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Sichuan earthquake has pointed out that "the scientific knowledge of disaster prevention into the national education". Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Construction and other departments have also issued a number of occasions, the file should earnestly strengthen public education and emergency drills Earthquake Disaster Mitigation requirements around the school.In order to implement the spirit of the Earthquake Disaster Mitigation publicity, education and emergency drills, this semester our schools emergency evacuation drills will be scheduled for 9:58 am on Tuesday. This time evacuation drills will be so far the number of the largest in the history of our school once walkthrough way from dorm evacuation drills in the teaching process of teaching building evacuation drills instead. Effectively organize the exercises, I take advantage of this time of the 国旗下讲话 mobilization before the exercise at the same time for everyone to talk about the significance of evacuation drills and related considerations and requirements to drew enough attention:

An evacuation drills significance

As we all know, the occurrence of natural disasters is that humans can not resist, but it may be the adoption of effective measures to losses caused by natural disasters to a minimum. Last year, "5.12" Wenchuan 8 earthquake Anxian Sang date Secondary School close to the most tragic earthquake in Beichuan, but in this devastating earthquake that shocked the world without casualties, students, teachers without casualties, and the principal of the school Ye Zhiping friends affectionately known as "cattle" in the history of the principal. Each semester starting in 2005 because of the school, under the requirements of the headmaster in the school organization of an emergency evacuation drills. Since usually several drills, earthquake to whole school of more than 2,200 students and hundreds of teachers, in just 1 minute and 36 seconds of time from different academic buildings and classrooms all rushed to the playground. To know that school students in each school building are very personnel-intensive, and the class with the highest number of students over 80, can do it safe, rapid evacuation is not easy. Sang date secondary earthquake relief experience tells us, usually heavy drills, earthquake casualties. Therefore, to carry out publicity and education of disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency drills, and continuously improve the teachers and students the ability to respond to sudden natural disasters, to reduce all kinds of natural disasters caused casualties and losses of great significance.

Students on campus, the probability of requiring emergency evacuation is not big, but we must be prepared "to prepare to reduce the chance of injury of students. Students have security awareness at all times, to understand how to react in the event of an emergency and emergency evacuation procedures. Through the exercise, students can learn and master escape self knowledge, familiar escape evacuation routes, enhanced security self-help awareness. The same time, the opportunity to take advantage of this exercise, in between all the students to carry out a comprehensive practical activities, activities to demonstrate the various departments of each class students organizational skills, discipline and a sense of unityand cooperation, it is necessary is also significant.

Second, evacuation procedures:

1,12 May 29, 2002 (Tuesday) at 9:50 am, school broadcast will remind each class the students and teacher to quickly return to the classroom to prepare for evacuation drills, 9:58 minutes of school broadcast three times in a row will issue a "teachers, students The voice prompts are: school suffered emergencies immediately ordered an emergency evacuation, the majority of teachers and students ". Then broadcast playback prevention and control alarm, we heard the air raid sirens signal, the class teacher quickly organized students around the classroom door open, shut off the circuit, directing students to begin orderly evacuation plans under the line and obey the evacuation routes to guide teachers and Security of command. Remember all the teachers guide must in order to leave the danger zone after the withdrawal of all students.

Each department evacuated to the collection of land, each department in a timely manner the entire team, inventory and evacuation of the number of students and security at land Xinbao, Times School teacher at. The faculties Ministry to arrange to check whether the legacy or injured students.

3 final faculties Organize students place to listen to the evacuation commander, School Legal Representative Liang Guozhong principals commented on evacuation drills.

Exercises before work requirements and considerations:

1, the teachers and the number of students to participate in evacuation drills three thousand people, the number of potential risk, if the organization is not in place, it will lead to the risk of unpredictable consequences, so that all departments should pay great attention to meeting convened prior sector work, detailed plans and arrangements of the specific drill work, and teachers and students stressed the specific requirements and precautions drill, evacuation routes and precautions known to give every teacher and student in advance heart. Through careful arrangements and I do not know the majority of teachers and students know that the school in the event of emergency incidents, how to evacuate safely, and to carry out self-help and mutual rescue. Students according to the provisions of the evacuation line safety evacuation. Evacuation down the stairs, the students rely on the stairs left and right sides of the orderly downstairs, the intersection and the stairs, we have arranged to guide teachers, obey orders evacuation collection quickly to the designated area. Evacuation direction for each class and the the export please the teacher and the class teacher of the faculties Ministry prior to overripe in mind.

2 each department in the school evacuation on the basis of the overall requirements of the drill program, the development the evacuation drills suitable for the characteristics of the sector sub program to arrange the specific location of the various teaching, training buildings corridor, staircase direction, exit location, stairs evacuation guide each department personnel, especially the leadership of the Department of the Ministry of the entire evacuation do mind with bottom foolproof to ensure the successful completion of the task of the whole school unified drills.

3, each department according to the classroom building where the classrooms, training buildings classroom, training room corridor, stairs, teachers have on-site command and guidance to prevent students occurred crowded evacuation, falls situation, once this happens various parts of the guide member shall promptly take effective measures to warn and protect the stampede occurred, the teacher in the classroom evacuation Finally, do not let a student left in the classroom. Students not to crowded evacuation, not slapstick, not pushing each other, the speed remains moderate, not too fast. Evacuation when the class teacher to specify a class cadre in front of the team reaches the specified line the specified centralized point focused led bumban students;

Fourth, the responsibilities of various departments and personnel:

1, the Security Service is responsible for the development of the overall program of the school evacuation drills and field command and coordination.

2, students at the site organizations evacuated students responsible for assisting the Security Department and faculties Ministry, directing, coordinating.

2 each department in the school overall premise of the program under the specific charge of the Department of the Ministry of specific embodiments of evacuation drills and field organization, command, coordination.

3, the class teacher: Responsible for the students before the evacuation of ideological mobilization and education, in charge of the scene to evacuate the command, organization good class students safe and orderly withdrawal of the danger zone, and finally in the designated collection sites, to inventory bumban students number check whether the class students all safely evacuated, and reported to the Department of the Ministry, the by the faculties Ministry of summary report after security at Lu Po at.

Each corridor, stairs, at the front door and walkway to guide teachers: organizing and commanding the students pre-designed line safe and orderly evacuation and check the floor surface students omissions and evacuate the danger zone.

Centralized security area teacher: the safe escape organize collection of students and discipline to maintain.

6 in the road and the fork in the road, school security personnel to guide the evacuation direction.

7, clinic and school personnel of the Red Cross erected Red Cross flag, to bring the Red Cross cuff, to prepare the necessary medical utensils, do all the preparatory work ready to bandage the injured students in the school (specific location " Road Zhengye "motto stone front).

8, the Office of the emergency vehicles.

Teachersand students: a rainy day, a precautionary measure, is the cornerstone of eternal safety education; protect life, respect for life is an eternal theme of safety education. The evacuation drills attention respect for your own life. I believe that through our joint efforts, our school security management can do better. Will we have a peaceful, harmonious and peaceful campus environment, we will happily peaceful campus work study, students can grow up healthily. Let us always remember the hearts moment there is peace, and peace will be on my side! "

My speech here today, thank you!